A Piece of Cake

Testing dotnet tool Cake or C# Make

Summary Cake’s main purpose is to use C# to write your build logic. It’s similar to RAKE, FAKE. Cake web site has pretty good documentation about its features and usage. I will test only following: Install Cake Set up VS Code Demo how Cake manages dependencies when you need to write code in C# Installation dotnet tool install --global cake --version 0.32.1 You may also use Cake bootstrap script to install and execute. [Read More]

Get a taste of Go

Run Postgres query and send results to a csv

Today is the first day of Spring, time for something new. Summary use Go to access the lab Postgres server running in Docker container save query to a csv file check out how testing works Is Go, the Programming Language of the Cloud? You decide. The code Source code is on My github repo I had to spend more time than I thought to figure out how to get nullable table column values. [Read More]

Jdk 11 new features

Single-file source code and a starter Maven project for JDK 11

Sumary Testing a single-file source program A Maven project: jdbc and csv export Today Oracle just released JDK 12. Like most developers, I am still using JDK 1.7 or 1.8. But I am curious about it. So I spent some time on JDK 11. Single-file source code Basically you do not need to compile first before you run. Java single-source has no dependency management: you still have to set up classpath just like you run a compiled Java class file. [Read More]

Dotnet Core Test

Postgres access with Entity Framework and ADO.Net

Following lab setup, in this post, I will show how to use dotnet core to access Postgres db. Summary Create a dotnet core console project use Entity Framework to generate Entity Framework context and entity code write code to run a query using Entity Framework write code to run a query using ADO.Net/Npgsql run a speed test Create a dotnet project and add Postgres packages dotnet new console -n CmdlineApp cd CmdlineApp dotnet add package Npgsql --version 4. [Read More]

Lab Setup for a Test Drive

A Postgres server and developer computer setup

Source code: My Test-Drive github repo Summary build a Postgres Docker image start a new container get data from College Scorecard web site perform an ETL to get a subset of the data install PostgresSql client on Windows load data to server Build a custom Docker image based on Postgres 11 Dockerfile and create user/db script FROMpostgres:11.2COPY ./create-bruno-db.sh /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/create-bruno-db.sh create-bruno-db.sh This file must be executable If you edit it on Windows, make sure you convert Windows CR LF to Linux new line charater LF [Read More]