Testing and Comparing 5 Rest Api Clients

Know your client performance first

Testing and Comparing 5 Rest Api Clients While I was working on a performance test of my folaris server, I wanted to find out how well it performs. The performance obviously depends on the available network bandwidth and CPU power. I was happy to see it performs well without using a lot of memory and processor time. First I tested with Powershell/Invoke-RestMethod on localhost interface, I got an average 606 calls per second. [Read More]


AWS Lambda tests

AWS Lambda looks simple when you look at the code. It’s also really easy to see the benefits. But it’s tedious to get to it to work. Take a look Alex Edward’s very good tutorial. AWS SAM CLI is aimed to make it simpler. Testing aws-sam-cli My sam cli testing was based on code generated by aws-sam-cli. Local testing is done using Docker images from lambdaci/lambda. I also described the issues running Docker containers that need Internet access, and how to solve them. [Read More]

Jdk 11 new features

Single-file source code and a starter Maven project for JDK 11

Sumary Testing a single-file source program A Maven project: jdbc and csv export Today Oracle just released JDK 12. Like most developers, I am still using JDK 1.7 or 1.8. But I am curious about it. So I spent some time on JDK 11. Single-file source code Basically you do not need to compile first before you run. Java single-source has no dependency management: you still have to set up classpath just like you run a compiled Java class file. [Read More]