AWS Lambda tests

AWS Lambda looks simple when you look at the code. It’s also really easy to see the benefits. But it’s tedious to get to it to work. Take a look Alex Edward’s very good tutorial. AWS SAM CLI is aimed to make it simpler. Testing aws-sam-cli My sam cli testing was based on code generated by aws-sam-cli. Local testing is done using Docker images from lambdaci/lambda. I also described the issues running Docker containers that need Internet access, and how to solve them. [Read More]

Get a taste of Go

Run Postgres query and send results to a csv

Today is the first day of Spring, time for something new. Summary use Go to access the lab Postgres server running in Docker container save query to a csv file check out how testing works Is Go, the Programming Language of the Cloud? You decide. The code Source code is on My github repo I had to spend more time than I thought to figure out how to get nullable table column values. [Read More]