Aerospike Evaluation

Launching an Aeospike server Docker container and testing with dotnet core client

Summary Aerospike is an Open Source NoSQL database. It has some similarities with Redis. The whole database can reside in memory or on file system. It uses the term of Record, equivalent of a row in RDBMS. The record size is limited by server startup configuration write-block-size parameter. Currently supported size is 1, 2, 4, 8 MB. Each record cannot exceed the configured size. It is not designed to support any type of application. [Read More]

Lab Setup for a Test Drive

A Postgres server and developer computer setup

Source code: My Test-Drive github repo Summary build a Postgres Docker image start a new container get data from College Scorecard web site perform an ETL to get a subset of the data install PostgresSql client on Windows load data to server Build a custom Docker image based on Postgres 11 Dockerfile and create user/db script FROMpostgres:11.2COPY ./ /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ This file must be executable If you edit it on Windows, make sure you convert Windows CR LF to Linux new line charater LF [Read More]