Testing and Comparing 5 Rest Api Clients
While I was working on a performance test of my folaris server, I wanted to find out how well it performs. The performance obviously depends on the available network bandwidth and CPU power. I was happy to see it performs well without using a lot of memory and processor time. First I tested with Powershell/Invoke-RestMethod on localhost interface, I got an average 606 calls per second. Then I tried F# script, I got a miserable .5 call per second. I realized that I have to know my REST API clients first.
What and how did I test
I tested 7 different REST API clients against a local/loop folaris server and a local/network interface.
The server was warmed up before the tests. This is because folaris uses a pool of 25 runspaces to execute Powershell scripts, with enough hits it will have all 25 runspaces created.
The REST API Clients tested
For details, check out the source code
- Powershell/Invoke-RestMethod: dotnet Http Client
- Powershell/RestSharp: load RestSharp dll which uses dotnet Http Client
- Python/Requests: a popular Python HTTP client module
- F# Data Http: a popular F# package
- Groovy/JVM Rest client
- Golang Rest client
- Node js Rest client
Result from the tests run on a Windows 10 computer
The numbers may be different on a different computer, but the comparison will be similar.
Client | localhost/loopback | local network interface |
Powershell RestSharp | 697 | 664 |
Golang | 3 | 653 |
Powershell Invoke-RestMethod | 606 | 590 |
Node js | 350 | 435 |
Python requests | .5 | 310 |
F# Data Http | .5 | 267 |
Groovy/JVM | 35 | 35 |